I was born in the Swiss Alps, like almost every Swiss bloke,
in a small chalet near the Matterhorn. I spent a happy childhood together
with cows, goats and Japanese tourists. Life was perfect, I milked my two
cows, Trudi and Rita, every day, made my own cheese and chocolate until...
...well, until a lightning struck my little home and left
it in a hundred pieces. My traditional way of life has been destroyed all
of a sudden. I screamed "why me??" but the only answer I got was
the echo of my own voice.
I was petrified. But after some hours my mind returned. I
said to myself "this is not going to happen again!"
took me quite a while, but after a a few days my new home was born! Built on
20 tonnes of steel from an old WW1 tank, no lightning in the whole world will
ever do any harm to my lil' baby again. By the way, this was also the moment
some voices in my head said to me "homepage"... "build a merchandise
section"... words I couldn't understand at the moment...
get some hundred e-mails a day
asking me whether or
not it is possible to rend my house. On the other side, people are saying that
my house looks strange. There are
strange houses
out there, mine is definitely not as you can see in the pictures from the
of my sweet home.